Approximately half of Bandcamp's employees have been laid off after Songtrader acquired the artist-and label-driven music platform from Epic Games earlier this month. The music...
In this series, Selections, we invite DJs, producers and label heads to dig into their digital crates and share the contents of their collections. This week, Paurro spotlights all-time favourites and meaningful tracks from throughout her life, from pop and dance anthems to blissful electronica
In this series, Selections, we invite DJs, producers and label heads to dig into their digital crates and share the contents of their collections. This week, Chrissy spotlights melodic thumpers, rowdy club tools and mind-bending genre mashups
In this series, Selections, we invite DJs, producers and label heads to dig into their digital crates and share the contents of their collections. This week, Bianca Oblivion joins the dots between global club sounds with 10 party-starting, sound system-shaking bangers
In this series, Selections, we invite DJs, producers and label heads to dig into their digital crates and share the contents of their collections. This week, Coco Bryce showcases his varied tastes in jungle, rap, synth-pop, free party slammers, footwork and more
In this series, Selections, we invite DJs, producers and label heads to dig into their digital crates and share the contents of their Bandcamp collections. This week, Carmen Villain spotlights lush dub experiments, expressive club beats, intimate ambient music and more
In this series, Selections, we invite DJs, producers and label heads to dig into their digital crates and share the contents of their Bandcamp collections. This week, UK Funky don Roska spotlights bright percussion and breaks, Carnival bangers, minimal sub-shakers and more